So its been a bit of a 10 month whirlwind with the little fella's Finn + Otis. If you asked, i'd probably say 'oh they're 3 months' - yes time + energy can escape one with a babe, and definitely more so with twins. So i'm finally getting around to posting that 6 month blogpost, that I edited at 8 months ... and well here we are at 10 + a bit month mark!
But maybe it was a good thing i haven’t written anything too much about my 'twin' experience until now, as some moments seemed, well a bit like my pregnant twin tummy … overwhelmingly huge. Only now can i see the funny side of happenings... and thats why i kinda wanted to write about it, because not everybody has the loved up, fluffy story that we see in these little squares of perfection (aka social media). Some ... or i'm sure most have the messy, crazy 'did that really just happen' story which is a bit more real life + if you ask me, a way better read!
Anyways ... breastfeeding .... I was totally unsure how it would go with 2, as i had trouble in the beginning with supply/demand with our daughter Bea. However ... the one HUGE thing i learned from that whole experience was, as soon as any health practitioner say the words 'i don't think you are producing enough milk', you instantly produce ... LESS MILK ( i can only imagine what could happen if they said you were producing too much, yikes!). So naturally, i put my ear plugs in when that speech came around this time, and that me + my A cups were going to give it our best shot ... after all its free *see side note! I had decided if it didn't work, well i certainly wouldn't beat myself up over it, as the ol' body had been through enough already. The good news was tho, even after not seeing them for while (due to caesarean birth) ... both babes latched on first go and that was it, the breastfeeding twins adventure began. Did i mention that there seemed to be a party of many people in our hospital room for that part (which i didn't mind) + then all of a sudden everybody disappeared leaving me with 2 humans attached to my boobs unable to move (due to being numb from spinal block) + also not being able to reach the buzzer for a nurse ... yeah that was awkward me + let me tell you, it seemed to take forever for anybody to come back in the room!
So you know those beautiful breastfeeding snapshots you see plastered all over the internet, well... this has certainly not been my life. Think more ... World Cup Soccer!!! For the first 8 months I fed them together, right through the summer months of 38’c with yep, no airconditioning. It was hot + sweaty, there were body parts everywhere, banter, pushing + bodily fluids escaping readily - yeah it was messy alright! At times, as soon as they were finished I would, put them down + have to jump into an icy cold shower before I hit combustion zone!!! It sort of came down to, less scream time (the other twin always knows) + time efficiency – washing, cooking + 3 year olds unfortunately don’t have much patience for a mum who sits on the couch for an hour cuddling n’ feeding her new babes. Alas the days of togetherness have now gone, they got a bit too heavy + my back was killing me, fortunately they’re at the speed feed stage as they want to get busy doing all things naughty!
But back to the World Cup Soccer! I always tell my Mr (or any boy that cares) that breastfeeding is much like playing a game of soccer. Your first game of the day... you are a rockstar + everything is awesome. By the 2nd or 3rd game, yeah you are starting to feel it, getting a bit tired + the ol body is weakening ... but you gotta keep it up right. One afternoon, the Mr called + asked if i needed anything from the shops on his way home - 'gatorade STAT' i yelled (which is probably the worst thing ever for a breastfeeding mama + babe), but I was just so parched + hells, I had a few games of soccer to go ... i was seriously not going to make it! He walked in, threw the bottle to me, i slammed it down fast + wiped my mouth with my forearm (yeah just like in the commercials) I was back on track - good to go! Ususally by the end of the day/night/whatever, I'm exhausted X2. Not to be dramatic, but I feel like i can hardly walk + my eyes are shut before i hit the bed (note I don’t say pillow). But things are starting to ease now – they each breastfeed twice in one session, and we are now down to 3 sessions as we’ve managed to cut out the 10 o’clock dreamfeed due to the crazy amount of solids they seem to be able to consume! Have I mentioned before they eat more than my daughter? Yeah very happy + little scared on that one.
On an end note, some days have been mentally + physically tough, I’ve wanted to give up, I bought the trusty tin of formula … but for some reason I just couldn’t use it. My Mr has held me on many occasions as a sobbed, reminding me that it’s not the path I wanted to take + in the scheme of things – it’s such a short period of time. Deep down, I know I would have regrets, as much as I would love just to go out for a whole day sans babes and blitz out on 4 shots of guilt free espresso, in later years I know I would wish to have those unique bonding moments back in a second. So i'm happy + exhausted that it worked out AOK for moi + my babes and hey ... I’ve never owned cleavage, but the small can be as mighty!
Au Revoir my friends
*side note - ummmmm nothing in this world is free, but that topic is for another day :)