Okay so i thought it might be a great idea to tell you about last week - Keeping it Real i think its called! Lets just say it was Ba-Hummmmmbug + the reality of having 3 little people under 3 definitely sunk in, for instance ... I had a million things i wanted to do and achieved absolutely nothing (this drives me completely nuts, an aspect of my new life i'm really going to have to work on!). Firstly, it was crazy hot, like 3 mini cold showers hot, the kinda hot you can't even be bothered to drive 5 mins down the road to jump in the lake hot - now even though i love love love our new house ... a little something that would make breastfeeding 2 little heaters in 38'c heat, a bit more comfortable, would probably be that luxury called air-conditioning!!!!
But anyways, moving on, you get the idea. Secondly we had an outing - OOhhhhh I was soooooo excited to a) get out of the house + b) converse with adults about anything unrelated to little people. It ended in, babes that wouldn't nap, low milk supply + the kid had a poops blowout from another world, so we headed home before the birthday party really started. We sold our truck, it just had so many memories of happy travels (driving solo to the Make It show in Edmonton, Vancouver Island, Oregon Coastline) + my beloved Daisy dog who loved nothing more than cruising with her head out the window, ears + lips a flapping. But thats ok, we had grandpa's cool ol' Valiant to drive around, which ... in turn, ended up having a couple o issues which left us vehicleless. No biggy! (still holding on to sanity at this point!).
But then ... my 3 little top notch sleepers (for whatever reason) naps did not align for the whole week! When one would go down, the others would awake. Which is fine, we all had fun in the end don't get me wrong, but i'm one of those that needs some part of the day to be quiet - this is when i get my head straight. Sometimes i just get myself or the house organized + other times i get in an awesome creative zone. Whilst being a Mumma is definitely a cool job, I believe we all need that something (outside of motherhood/parenthood) that keeps us sane - and being quietly creative is mine.
But what really tipped me over the edge, was Facebook weirdly enough! Holy inhumane + worldly atrocities batman. Now whilst i don't believe being in naive or ignorant of todays world, i'm finding FB way too heavy in this department of late - so i said 't h a t s i t !' Take some time off, rebuild + refocus - and well, being a normal human you just have to do that sometimes!
The good news is - this week is going a lot better, some of which i'll be posting about later in the week!!!!