Only when you move your life + you realize how many lovely goods you have accumulated! So I might be getting a touch excited to make a one unclaimed room in our new abode, to my brand spanking new 'at home' studio or ... as some may call it - a sanity room! However, before i get back into full production sewing mode, thought it might be best if i actually take some time to knock a couple o important things off my ever growing 'to do' list - for example my 2014 taxes (just have to drop em off to the accountant!), remove the beige (each to their own but the colour beige does not inspire creativity in this homie) ...and lastly, get organized. I never ever take time to do that and have the ol' habit of thinking ' i'll just do it later' - inevitably ... I never do it!
So with this organizing...comes a bit of downsizing, purging + getting downright callous with the 'accumulation'. Yes, I have quite a bit that I love dearly... but will probably never be able to use all of it in my life time (my Mr will definitely agree with that statement with a growl!) So I thought it would be a fantabulous thing if i 'let-go' some of my topnotch supplies onto homes + hearts that will actually be able to use them, this is the kind of the hard part for an addict let me tell you - hehe!.
Alrighty, here we go ::
First up, I'd love to introduce you to part of my stash ... Lydia's drapery fabric - a deliciously kitschy abstract floral in sea foam,apple greens + browns ... a combination that seems to go so oddly together, yet the definite draw card for moi. I made a few delightful Hello Everything Clutches and it surely was dream to sew with, but truth be known, my original plan was to snip + stitch it into a couple o Humphred Jones handbag paired with the magenta trimmings + big wooden buttons (ahhh perhaps one day!). Side note - I will be keeping a touch for myself for an upcoming, take time for yourself 'me' project - a retro inspired full skirt! oh la la
Anyways i've put a precious 3 Metres in our etsy shoppe under the new section 'Supplies'. This superior quality fabric is a light/medium weight 100 % cotton canvas made the perfect drapes for Lydia , but could be used to recover a retro armchair, or make a trusty tote bag ... Ooohhhh the possibilities are endless, best snap it up before I reclaim it!!!